Computer/Lenovo Help and ID Card Replacement

Computer & Lenovo Help

The MSI Help Desk hours for tech assistance are  8:00 am - 4:30 pm Monday - Friday.

The Help Desk can be reached via email at or by phone - 718.987.2900 Ext. 1111 during those times.  Students can also come to Room 306 during school days.
Please note that it is usually best when students contact the Help Desk themselves as opposed to a parent.  Help Team staff can more accurately troubleshoot the issue when speaking with the student directly.  The Help Desk may also request remote access to the Lenovo to address any issues.

Student ID Card Replacement

All Monsignor Farrell High School students are required to have their student ID cards with them at all times during school hours.

Students are not issued new ID cards each year, so it is important that they retain them in good condition. 

Email to request a new ID. A $10 fee will be applied to your FACTS Management account.

If a request is made over the summer it must be done prior to Orientation in September. DO NOT WAIT until September to request a replacement ID.  Students who request a replacement ID over the summer will receive theirs at Orientation. 

*Incoming freshmen and transfer students starting school at Monsignor Farrell in September will have their ID photos taken during orientation in September.