The Monsignor Farrell Farrell Family Association invites you to join us for our inaugural Radio Bingo Event!
Radio Bingo is a game that combines the elements of Name That Tune and traditional Bingo in a party atmosphere. Players will receive cards with song titles and mark off the songs as they are played. Like traditional bingo, once you mark off all the squares for the type of game we’re playing, you win! UNLIKE traditional bingo, the music, singing and dancing do not stop!
Bring your friends & family for an exciting evening where you will sing & dance the night away with the chance of winning bingo prizes. There will also be more opportunities to win with raffle baskets, 50/50, etc!
Registration deadline is Monday, March 17th, however, reservations for this event will be cut off at 500 people so be sure to make your table reservation ASAP!
$60 per person/$600 per table of 10 includes:
- Radio Bingo
- Antipasto
- Sangria
- Dessert
Feel free to BYO as well!