Tuesday, January 21st - Monday, January 27th
General Information:
- Exams begin on Tuesday, January 21st, and end on Monday, January 27th.
- During the exam period, students will only report to school on days they have an exam.
- Breakfast and lunch service will not be available during exam week. Students who have two exams in one day should bring their own lunch. Beverage and snack machines will be available in the cafeteria.
- Winter dress code.
- Students are to report to their designated exam room 15-20 minutes before the start of the exam. There is no homeroom during exams.
- Exam rooms are given to the students by their teachers in school and will also be posted on the video boards throughout the school on the day of the exam.
- Students have up to 2 hours to complete midterm exams and must stay for a minimum of 1.5 hours for each exam. Students have up to 3 hours for Regents exams and must stay for a minimum of 2 hours.
- Students with extended time will receive 3 hours for a midterm and 4.5 for a Regents. For questions about extended time, please contact your son’s guidance counselor.
- Parents must call the attendance office by 9:00 am on the day of the exam if a student will be missing a midterm for any reason. Additionally, students must notify the teacher of the absence prior to the exam. All faculty members may be contacted via email through the school website. Students must provide a doctor’s note upon return and make up the exam in the Learning Commons at the next available time slot in their schedule.
- We expect academic integrity from all of our students. Any student that does not adhere to our academic integrity policy will receive a “0” on the exam.
- Students who are taking Regents retakes must take the Regents at the scheduled time. If the Regents exam conflicts with a school midterm, students will take the school exam in the Learning Commons at the next available time slot in their schedule.
Students should begin preparing for exams now. In addition to studying the material at home, being engaged while in class is the first step to academic success. We ask that parents speak with their sons about taking ownership of their education and ensuring that they are putting their best foot forward daily in each of their classes. Students should eliminate any distractions that prohibit them from being involved in the class.
In addition to in-class review, optional review classes for exams may also be held by teachers, which will be announced in school, in the weekly email, and on the school website.
Extended Exam Time
Prior to the Christmas break, all students eligible for extended time accommodations received the necessary documentation, and parents were sent a follow-up email confirming these accommodations.
If your son does not have updated IESP and/or 504 paperwork on file, his guidance counselor sent an email to address this matter. Please note that any student who has not submitted updated documentation by midterm exams will not be granted extended time accommodations.
We kindly ask that you review your son’s paperwork to ensure everything is current and submitted on time. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the guidance office at 718-987-2900 ext. 1212
Exam Schedule
The AP Computer A exam originally scheduled for noon on Tuesday, January 21st has been changed to 8:30 am.
Click the button below to download the exam schedule.
Exam Schedule |