Midterms Made Easy

Written on 01/17/2025
Christopher Modzelewski '27

Tips to help the midterm stress

Students gather in the Learning Commons for a study session prior to the start of classes.


A study guide to surviving Farrell midterms

Midterm time is here, and some may feel it's scarier than ever.

If you are going crazy not knowing if you will be able to pass, you’re in luck. There are many study tips that can help you gain the knowledge to takedown those midterms. These tips have helped many of Monsignor Farrell students, including myself.

1. Create a Guideline - Once you get that midterm schedule, create a guideline for when you are going to study those individual topics. If you have Religion first, then English, and finally Math, you can create the outline, then study for one. Once that’s finished you can move to the next.

2. Flash Cards - Flash cards are a great way to get things in your mind quick. These are useful when you are in the car going into the test or the day before. 

Mr. Williams assists a student during a lesson. One midterm prep study tip is to try and teach the material to someone else. If you're able to handle that, you have a good grasp of the material.


3. Use Active Recall - Instead of using your notes straight away, see what you can remember from your classes. Once you know this, study the things you don’t really remember with more effort.  

4. Practice with past exams – Try to look back at some of your past exams in the classes. Chances are you may face some of those questions again on the midterm.

5. Teach somone else – Try using your knowledge of the topic to see if you can teach it. If you can fully understand it while making someone else fully understand it, you are most likely ready. 

6. Study in chunks – Break down the information into smaller pieces so that they can be more comprehendible, so that you can retain it easier. 

Breaking down information into smaller, easier-to-handle pieces, also known as studying in chunks, can assist a student in their studies. (Photo courtesy of Medium)


7. Stay organized – Do not try to study multiple classes at once. Focus on one so that you can gather the information, then 3 hours after that, move to the next class. 

8. Get Enough sleep - The day before making sure you get the scientific recommended sleep hours (eight), so that you will not be focused on the lack of sleep, but on the test. 

These midterm study tips will help you succeed and get that grade you want. Someone may work best then others but finding that study method will totally help you in the long run.

Best of luck on your midterms, Lions!


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