Our Mission

Inspiring Integrity, Scholarship, Service, and Brotherhood

Our Mission is to develop the Vir Fidelis, a Faithful Man, in an atmosphere of Catholic faith and values; an individual aware of his God-given talents, confident in his abilities, dedicated to his family, and oriented to the service of God and community.

Our Commitment

We Welcome students and families of every background as partners in our inclusive Catholic educational community. We are committed to helping young men develop their best selves - intellectually, morally, and spiritually - through a transformative high school experience in and out of the classroom.

We Promise a modern and invigorating curriculum, striving for academic excellence within an atmosphere of collaboration and teamwork. We insist on honesty, integrity, and fairness.

We Encourage active and meaningful service, promote good sportsmanship, and hold each member of our community responsible for setting a good example.

We Aspire to be defined by graduates who embody the core values of a faithful man, prepared to achieve success at the college of their choice and to excel in their professions. They will serve as leaders and role models with an unyielding commitment to integrity and service, and an enthusiasm for helping their Monsignor Farrell brothers who follow.