Your Time and Talent Are Needed

Lend Your Expertise


All of us at Monsignor Farrell High School are truly grateful for the tremendous support and foundation provided to our students by our alumni community. It is only through the time, talent, and treasure provided so generously by our alumni brothers, that we are able to guide our Faithful Men to make the most of their God-given talents.  

Too often institutions focus on only one-third of those invaluable gifts, the gift of treasure. Many times, it may feel like a non-profit organization only sends an email or a postcard mailing to ask for money. Although non-profits are exactly what it says in the name and rely greatly on the generosity of others in order to exist, gifts of time and talent can be invaluable assets to fulfilling one's mission, especially for an educational institution aiming to provide a unique learning experience that truly prepares students for the world ahead of them.


This is an appeal for gifts of time & talent!


If you are interested in sharing your knowledge, experience, and insight with the students at Monsignor Farrell High School, there are many opportunities to do so!

Academic Institutes at Monsignor Farrell

We have five formal academic institutes that are focused on a variety of industries that provide guest speaking, coaching, and mentorship opportunities, both in-person and virtual.

Additionally, there are clubs, groups, and courses that would benefit greatly from field trips, office/site visits, and visits to the school from accomplished professionals.

The Business & Finance Institute and Bloomberg Lab

The Medical Education Development Institute (MEDI)

The Marine Biology Society

The Leadership Institute

The Institute for Law & Public Policy

Additional Opportunities to Share Your Expertise

Other areas where students have benefited from the experience of alumni include law, engineering, public service, community service, and religious callings.

If you are interested in sharing your time and talent with our Faithful Men, please complete the interest form. If you have any questions regarding opportunities to actively engage in the educational process at your alma mater, please contact me.

On behalf of our Faithful Men, thank you!


John Cusick '88

Director of Institutional Advancement & Development
718.987.2900 Ext. 1265