Department of History & Social Sciences


The vocation of the faculty and staff of Monsignor Farrell High School is to provide formation for young men such that each fulfills the call he has received to be a Vir fidelis, a faithful man. We accomplish this by creating a community that awakens his heart to the image of God he carries within himself and to that same image of God in each person he meets, and by assisting him as he grows in the skills he will need to put his talents at the service of others and as he discerns his responsibilities as a participant in the human community.

The Department of History and Social Sciences faculty strives to exercise our young men in the careful application of right reason to the pursuit of the “common good” by examining the story of humanity, the story of the United States, and the richness of the American Proposition. We guide him as he grows toward eloquentia perfecta, “perfected eloquence,” which is rigorously applied right reason expressed effectively, responsibly, and gracefully.


It is the goal of the Department of History & Social Sciences that the Monsignor Farrell graduate possesses:


• A discerning appreciation of the past, a developing awareness of the present, and the ability to practically apply such principles thus learned toward the future

• A solid background in global and American studies with an emphasis on culture, history, and geography

• A firm foundation in government and economics and a commitment to perform the expected duties of an enlightened and responsible citizenry

• An appreciation for the diversity of cultures in our country and around the world

• The capacity for rational analysis and critical judgment of the opinions of others

• A firm grounding in study skills, in effective and critical reading, note-taking, organization, and active listening

• The tools for proper research, writing, and critical evaluation of sources

• The ability to express oneself articulately

• A recognition of the interrelatedness of the social sciences with all other academic disciplines

• A need to address social issues in light of a moral and ethical framework through an awakened sense of compassion and justice


Department of History & Social Sciences Course Sequence


Freshman Year

Global Studies I (Regents Curriculum)
Global Studies (Scholars Curriculum)

Sophomore Year

Global Studies II (Regents Curriculum)
​A.P. European History (Scholars & Recommended Students)

Junior Year

U.S. History & Government (Regents Curriculum)
A.P. United States History (Scholars & Recommended Students)

Senior Year​

Participation in Government & Economics (NY State Curriculum) Economics (NY State Curriculum)
A.P. United States Government & A.P. Comparative Government (Combined Course, Elective for Recommended Students)


Accounting, Business Law, Finance, Psychology, Criminal Justice