Schoology Guide

Written on 10/18/2024
Greg Guastavino

All Parents

Parents MUST BE viewing as your son:

Student Activity Enrollments

Shows items submitted (assignment, homework, test/quiz) and what he received once graded (i.e. 13/15, 4/4 etc.) This shows the most recent items. If you would like to see earlier items, click “more” on the bottom left after the last activity.

In this section, you will also see requests for volunteer opportunities

To Do Upcoming

Assignments/homework, the class and due date/time

Upcoming Events

Tests and quizzes, class and date

Recently Completed

Tests, quizzes, and assignments submitted and score (once graded)


  • Viewing on the Schoology App; To Do, Upcoming Events, and Recently Completed items are below Student Activity scroll down

  • Viewing Schoology from the Farrell website To Do, Upcoming Events and Recently Completed will be on the right

  • Items listed in blue bold are links and clickable. Parents can view the assignment or homework submitted however test/quizzes are not accessible for viewing only the grade


Click/tap Courses on the top. Select a class to view Materials, Updates, Grades, Members (students only), Study Mate (private access only).

• Materials - you will find the syllabus (if posted), homework assignments, classwork, tests, quizzes, and other items/materials the teacher posts

 Upgrades – any updates posted by the teacher

• Grades - classwork, homework, quizzes and tests. Tap/click an item to view. For tests/quizzes, we cannot view the actual test only the grade.


Click/tap Groups at the top. This section shows any groups/clubs your son is in such as Student Ambassadors & Holy Name Society, Business and Finance Institute, etc.  Tap/click on a group to see any postings such as meetings or volunteer opportunities

Grade Report

Lists all classes. Tap/click on a class to see what your son received on each assignment, project, test, etc. such as 20/20 or 7/10. Items here are not clickable