Academic Status

Written on 11/13/2022
Greg Guastavino

Warning  – ONE Failure for a Marking Period and/or Year-to-Date Average

A student with a failing average for one subject in a marking period or for the year (YTD) is placed on academic warning status. Students must attend Center for Learning and Academic Wellness (CLAW) sessions for that course. Two missed CLAW sessions will remove the student from participation in any extracurricular activity for two weeks.


Probation – Two Failures for a Marking Period and/or Year-to-Date Average

A student with a failing average for two subjects in a marking period or for the year (YTD) is placed on academic probation. Students are still permitted to participate in extracurricular activities but must show improvement during the first three weeks of the new marking period. What constitutes “improvement” is determined by the subject teacher, guidance counselor, and administration. Students must attend CLAW sessions. Failure to show improvement and/or two missed CLAW sessions will preclude the student from participating in extracurricular activities until the end of the marking period.


Suspension – Three or More Failures for a Marking Period and/or Year-to-Date Average

A student with a failing average for three or more subjects for the marking period or for the year (YTD) is suspended from all extracurricular activities until the end of the next marking period.

Students must show significant improvement and attend CLAW sessions in order to rejoin activities at the beginning of the next marking period. What constitutes “improvement” is determined by the subject teacher, guidance counselor, and administration.